I’ve been struggling a bit with a working Time Zone Drop Down, so I thought I shared it. The target was to have a nice drop down list with as many Country/City combinations as possible, so that the users are not confused.
Coming from a Linux world, it was easy for me to use the Android Debug Bridge (adb) shell. Here are some ADB Tips and Tricks for you.
I intended to do this for a long time now, since Android Debugging goes hand in hand with Linux debugging. I’ve noticed, during my trolling on the >InsertCoin forum, that people that start messing around with their Android mobile (read: start rooting it), don’t know what to do if something fails.
The minimum tools needed for any debugging are:
Adding a Facebook Like button to Blogger can be both easy and complicated, depending on who explains it. After a quick search on Google, I found how to add a custom Facebook Like button to my blog. Obviously, it’s not something difficult if I could do it in three minutes all together, but I thought I’d share the experience.
German language is relatively easy. “All those of us that know a derived language from Latin like Portuguese language and are used to conjugate some verbs can learn it quickly…” That’s what the German language teacher said at the first lesson.
Word goes that only “hacked” or “broken” Windows generates errors. The myth is busted however by this picture, taken in the London Underground: